Sunday 5 June 2011

Why Highly Evolved Being (HEB) and not Higher Order Being

Classify the Difference Between Higher Evolved Beings (HEBS) & Higher Order Beings.

Really I THANK YOU! As you and the HEB’s that you speak to, and speak to me and many others, through you, have really have sent me on a path of seeking enlightenment. (Well at least explanation, clarification and illumination as opposed to entrancement, delusionment with the world that I live in, and at times apathy, all part of the ‘Gift of Forgetfulness’’). I also thank you for including a link to my Blog on yours. I consider it an honour. Most importantly I thank you for your question, for as ‘we teach, we learn’ and ‘when the learner is ready the teacher appears’. It seems I and many other HEB’s on this Earth are ready for this. With your permission I will make it my second Blog. (I feel your permission was granted and I thank you!). It is also important to note here the works of Neal Donald Walsh and the trilogy written by himself and like all things on earth Inspired (or co-authored) by GOD, entitled Conversations with God, who created the terms associated with the acronym HEB. Like much of Walsh’ writes about I ‘felt’ Truth when I read this term, much like you and I can feel truth, or not feel truth in what we hear, read and even see, every day. So your question; ‘Why use the term Highly Evolved Beings (HEB’s) not Higher Order Beings (HOB’s)’? Firstly asked me to analyse what a ‘felt for granted’ and validate its Truth. Therefore, your question here is not trivial at all but a rather important one. Let’s start by saying that the Definition of a hob is; a part of a cooker that you put your pans on. This best describes a Lesser Evolved Beings life rather than a HEB’s. You and many others already know that the more we ‘evolve’ in our spiritual understanding the better our life gets.

The HEB’s who have given us directions, that you speak to, and speak through yourself to us, that we read about, and follow the examples of (Jesus, Buddha, Lord Krishna, Moses, Babaji, Sai Baba, and many others both before us, with us and here today, have mentioned a number of times that our language, like our lives, are very complex and complicated. One of their difficulties in speaking to us (Giving us directions to the Ultimate Truth’, especially when we publish something for others to see, is that words need to be chosen by them carefully as often our readers and we denote meanings that simply were not intended. Allot has got a great deal to do with ‘what we have learnt’ and our experiences on this earth to the way we read or perceive things that we hear from HEB’s. I have even placed what we have learnt’ in parenthesis because that’s how even the spiritually widely read see that our life on earth is a ‘learning experience’, not a ‘remembering experience’, as we all were where White Cloud is right now, and often we go back, whenever we sleep, and we certainly will return when our body is no longer ‘serves us’.   Thus the use of the word Order as opposed to Evolve may support the illusion that humanity (particularly man) has created.

My perception from my readings of as many spiritual books as I can muster throughout my experience, and reading and listening to blogs such as your own has led me to perceive that we are all equal, ONE IN THE SAME, a collection of God’s and Goddesses, each re-experiencing life, each (given our different experiences) have led us to evolve towards ‘who we are and who we want to be’ .

The meanings of the word ORDER in the dictionary include;

·         An arrangement of items; the way in which several items are arranged, as an indication of their relative importance or size or when each will be dealt with.  A HEB would never believe that they are more important than us nor each other on earth.  Jesus Christ spoke eloquently, whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me.

·         Neatness; an organized condition, with items arranged properly, neatly, or harmoniously. ‘We all need a little order in our lives’. A HEB would never accept that what we call ‘an organised condition’ such as our cities, the way we have re-organised our land, our environment etc., as orderly.  This Meaning also suggests that the ‘neat and proper arrangement places a HEB in a ‘higher order position’ than our own which HEB’s say is invalid when they speak to us, as they often give us a grander honour for simply experiencing life on earth.

·         The absence of crime; as in Law and Order,  a peaceful condition in which laws are obeyed and misbehaviour or crime is not present, or worse still punishment even death (not LOVE) is awarded to the ‘unjust’.

·         A functioning condition, a condition something is in when it is functioning properly

·         A social grouping, the arrangements of a society into groups or classes and the relationships between them.

·         A social group; a group or class that is a division of society.

·         Type; A type or a kind of something, often one judged on importance or worth.

·         Religious Community; where  members live  according to the principles that are often based on the writings of a particular saint, ‘The order of St Francis’

·         A religious Rank, Deacon, priest, archbishop

·         A Group of honoured people. A prestigious group consisting of people who have been awarded honour.

·         Then there is a ‘tall order’ which represents Our life, not HEB’s and they often tell us so.

The meaning of the word Evolve include

·         Develop

·         Change

·         Grow

·         Progress

·         Advance

·         Go forward;

Toward total Oneness, Total Understanding, Total Unity, Total Truth, and Total remembrance of, who we are and where we want to be.

All the souls both here on earth or in the ‘heavens’ are best described as at different stages of Evolvement.  HEB’s are further to the Truth about:

·         We are all one, and thus live their lives accordingly showering each other with LOVE

·         There’s enough.

·         There is nothing we have to ‘do’. All we need is to ‘be’.

 Beings that are less evolved on our earth are still accustomed to believe;

·         They are separate from each other and GOD, and live a life of ‘survival of the fittest’,  thus lie, cheat, and harm other souls and do ‘bad’ things to ‘good’ people.

·         There is not enough and rather than trust in the universe their happiness, they will steal from others and depend on their own poor identity of themselves and ego to get them. Jesus (a HEB) described these people best when he said “forgive them farther for they know not what they do”, and still sent them love not hate despite dying on the cross for them.

Jesus was teaching us here that there is no such thing as good and bad, just souls on different stages of the evolution cycle.

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